PRF Rejuvenation in Colleyville, TX

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What is PRF Therapy?

Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) therapy is an advanced version of the well-known platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, which harnesses your own blood to help dramatically lessen signs of aging while restoring your complexion and thickening your hair. At Peace By Defying Time's experienced team in Colleyville, TX is pleased to offer PRF therapy to help clients regain their youthful glow. PRF therapy stimulates collagen and elastin production to strengthen the total vibrance and appearance of the skin without synthetic injections or plastic surgeries.

How Does PRF Therapy Work?

When visiting At Peace By Defying Time for the PRF treatment, you will be led to one of our comfortable treatment rooms. A certain amount of blood will be extracted and then expertly separated in a centrifuge to isolate the platelet-rich plasma. After this, the PRP is combined with a fibrin protein solution to develop a personalized gel-like PRF serum that is drawn into a syringe. Once the target area is totally cleaned and prepared, the PRF concentration will be delicately placed in the targeted areas. The entire procedure is typically short and simple, normally taking about 20 – 30 minutes.

A Natural Rejuvenation Approach

PRF is a great choice for those wanting an increasingly natural approach to treating fine lines and wrinkles and improving hair thickness. Through using a patient's own proteins and growth factors, PRF stimulates collagen and elastin growth for ongoing, regenerative changes. Contact At Peace By Defying Time in Colleyville, TX to discover more about this leading-edge treatment option and to arrange your first consultation.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.