Massage in Colleyville, TX

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What Is Massage Therapy?

Experience the transformative power of touch with our healing massage therapy services. Scientific research supports the health benefits of massage, such as stress reduction, lower blood pressure, pain relief, enhanced immunity, and accelerated healing. The At Peace By Defying Time team in Colleyville, TX provides various massage services to promote overall well-being. Contact our office today to learn more or schedule a personalized session.

What Can I Expect from a Massage?

Transform stress into serenity. A team member will lead you to your private treatment room, ensuring utmost discretion and comfort. Our licensed massage therapist employs high-quality products and advanced techniques to help alleviate pain and tension. Using variable pressure depending on the treatment, your therapist targets specific points across your body, encompassing areas including the neck, back, legs, abdomen, and lymph nodes to effectively ease muscles, knots, tendons, and other stress areas. A typical massage can last 60 – 90 minutes. We provide a serene environment to relax and enjoy some self-care. After you're done, you can return to your regular activities. We recommend drinking plenty of water to help your body expel any toxins that may have been released during your massage.

At Peace By Defying Time offers the following massage services:

Swedish massage: This classic introductory massage uses a variety of different strokes and light to medium kneading to focus on the top tissue layers and underlying muscles. It helps to improve overall health and energizes the body, leaving you feeling rejuvenated and ready to conquer your day.

Prenatal massage: As the uterus grows during pregnancy, the organs experience pressure from that expansion. A prenatal massage relieves many common discomforts from the skeletal and circulatory changes during pregnancy. Receiving a massage during pregnancy can relieve backaches, a stiff neck, cramps, tension, and swelling.

Deep Tissue Massage: Deep tissue massage therapy involves realigning the deeper muscles and connective tissue layers. But unlike Swedish massage, where strokes are brisk, deep tissue massage employs slower, deliberate movements with firm pressure. This approach focuses on addressing pain or discomfort in specific body areas.

Sports Massage: Sports massage therapy combines deep and light techniques to loosen muscle knots, improve blood circulation, and prevent lactic acid buildup. This therapy employs techniques such as effleurage, kneading, wringing, hacking, and trigger pointing to promote overall relaxation of the musculoskeletal system.

Pamper Yourself

Whether you want pain relief, immune support, reduced stress, or simply relaxation, At Peace By Defying Time has a perfect massage service to help you feel refreshed and renewed. Taking just an hour to pamper and heal yourself with a massage can make the rest of your week easier when you get rid of built-up stress and tension. Call our Colleyville, TX office today to schedule your massage or consultation. We can help you find a new level of relaxation and improved health with a personalized, comfortable, and relaxing massage.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.