
By: Our Team


Cope is a 4 letter word…

In a den of dirty laundry, my 14-year-old daughter sits; she watches anime and sketches.

She doesn’t seem unhappy
But I don’t see her running outside
Riding her bike,
Conspiring with friends

Is she sad?
She tells me no, but her lifestyle hints at something different.

She seems on edge, worried. Is she depressed?

Her worries I may never know, but I remember being her age and desperately wondering about my purpose in life and my value. I asked God daily, “Why am I here?”

Do teenagers today have the same worries? Do they have the same thoughts and emotions? Teenagers are not able to disconnect from their social status at school. Thanks to the smartphone, our kids are in constant contact with their friends, enemies, TikToks, YouTubes, Snapchats and Instagrams, Discord, etc.

It seems that every piece of information known to man is accessible from your fingertips. I often think about how much smarter I would be if I grew up with so much knowledge with this access and devices.

The truth is, I might have been smarter, but I would not have been happier.

Influencers are telling our kids what life should be and what they should become. I contend that a quality life and happiness should come from within, not your likes on Instagram.

She won’t talk to me, but her doctor has her on medication for anxiety. It seems she is anxious.

As a parent, I would love to make her life easier and just snuggle her.

Contrary to my practice as a loving mom, her best interest is to know that anxiety is difficult. Anxiety is common. The best way I can help her is to help her understand how to deal with what life throws her; to show her she is not alone and to help her learn to cope.

I am not alone in wanting to help my kids.

If I knew a path to greatness without toil, I would’ve taken that years ago. The same is true with the road to excellent coping skills.

Cope is a 4 letter word…

The vehicle for the voyage down that road may be on the assembly line. Float and meditation therapy have gained significant validity in the scientific community for strengthening neural networks and influencing neurotransmitters such as dopamine. Understanding how to soothe one’s own brain at an early age may help develop coping methods that can aid in lifelong development and productivity.

It is my hypothesis that we can use float therapy and vibroacoustic meditation therapy to help adolescents and teenagers cope. Ideally to help them soar (another 4 letter word).

Spa therapy is not established in adolescents and teenagers. I think it is worth a try.

I remember how hard it was to be a teenager

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.